The Bibb County School District will be issuing 13,000 electronic devices for the 2020-2021 school year to students who do not have access to said devices at home.
The District ordered enough laptops and other devices for each student to use on campus or at home. Although there will be enough devices for all students to use at home, a statement from the District says there has been "no decision regarding a plan for in-person or virtual learning when classes start on Tuesday, September 8."
The devices will be issued starting on Monday, August 17. All devices will be given out each day from 9:00 a.m. until noon and again from 3:00 p.m. until 6:00 p.m.
The distribution will begin with students in 2nd through 12th grade who do not have access to any devices at home; moreover, the distribution of devices will be organized by priority to students who showed a need as early as last spring.
Students who already have access to a device at home are being asked to wait to check out a device from the District when more devices are delivered in the fall.
Below is the schedule in which the District will follow as the devices begin the distribution phase next week:
- Monday, August 17 – Students with last names starting with A-G
- Tuesday, August 18 – Students with last names starting with H-P
- Wednesday, August 19 – Students with last names starting with Q-Z
- Thursday, August 20 – Makeup day for all students
- Friday, August 21 – Makeup day for all students
One parent or guardian must be with their child at the school in which they're enrolled with identification to sign the Student Device Agreement. Students who have not returned devices that were previously checked out from the District will not be given a new device.
All parents, guardians and students on any Bibb school campuses must wear a mask and practice social distancing.
The tax collections tied to the 2020 E-SPLOST, which is funding this iniatiative, will begin on January 1, 2021.
Parents and guardians can stay informed with the latest updates through the Parent Portal of the school district's website.
Source: WGXA