The Houston County Board of Education is giving out more details on how this will look for their schools.
We already know that parents have the option for having their kids take the school year in-person or virtually. They have also set August 6th for the first day of class, with teachers to return as scheduled on July 28th. According to a release for HCBOE, that will allow "teachers and administrators more time to prepare to best meet students’ needs. In addition to traditional pre-planning activities, this provides time to prepare classrooms and buildings for social distancing and to train on COVID-19 safety procedures and protocols."
The HCBOE has also announced that high schools will move to a new schedule, going from 8:00 a.m. to 2 p.m. and a six period day. The changes was to provide separate bus routes for each school level to help social distancing on buses.
For more information onHCBOE's reopening plan you can click here.