Jennifer Lopez’s Chef Shared Some Insights Into Her Diet and her dislikes

Jennifer Lopez’s chef has revealed what he cooks for her and what he keeps in her refrigerator that she doesn’t like. 

Kelvin Fernandez is the chef for Lopez and her fiancee, Alex Rodriguez, and the one thing J. Lo can’t stand to eat is salmon. “...if I’m cooking salmon for the [table], I always got to do a sea bass or a halibut or cod for Jennifer because she’s just not a fan of the texture and the taste of salmon,” says Fernandez. 

Berries are one thing that Fernandez must keep in the kitchen even though Jennifer isn’t a fruit fan but her kids love them. Lopez is however about her greens, “There’s always greens like spinach, cucumber, and celery to make green juice.

They love starting their day with a green juice. Eggs are always the biggest one. Turkey bacon is always the biggest one,” says Fernandez.

Leading up to J. Lo’s Super Bowl Halftime performance, Fernandez added rice to the house menu causing him to have to make Jennifer’s plate separate from everyone else's. “The next day she’s like, ‘Kelvin, you served me rice.’ And I’m like, ‘No, no, no, no, no, there was chicken, there was salad. You grabbed the rice!’” I guess we’re more like Jennifer than we thought, she has her weak moments too.

What food can you not stand to eat? 

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